GlassFrog Product Update - April

April 16, 2024

Introducing FrogBot

We are thrilled to announce the early access launch of FrogBot. GlassFrog's latest innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is designed to revolutionize how your teams operate in the modern era of work. FrogBot is not just a tool; it's your new AI companion and employee assistance, skilled in enhancing transparency, efficiency, and alignment across your entire organization.

Why Join Early Access?

Early access provides you a first look at FrogBot AI's groundbreaking capabilities:

  • Transform Complaints into Proposals: Voice your tensions and let FrogBot guide you towards actionable solutions and governance improvements.
  • Bust Bureaucracy: Maintain the agility of a startup as your company scales. FrogBot clarifies roles and decision-making authorities with a simple conversation.
  • Boost Your Team's Agility: With FrogBot, every team can be agile. Get tailored suggestions and insights to align your projects and governance perfectly with your organization's purpose.


How to Get Started?

Visit our early access page to get started. Want more information? Watch our latest webinar, "Leading with Clarity: AI's Role in Empowering Employees," for a live look at FrogBot. 

Goals & Targets (OKR) Improvements 

We are continuously updating the Goals & Targets feature based on your feedback. Here are some of the updates from the previous release cycle:

  • Add Updates to Goals: You can now add updates to Goals, just as you can add updates to Targets. This gives teammates the ability to add a Status (green/yellow/red) and notes to the overarching goal.
  • Link Projects and Actions to G&T: Link Projects and Next-Actions to Goals so you can effortlessly track the work and collaboration needed to hit your organization, circle or team targets.